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Grande - living room furniture - modern modular sectional with sleeping function, induction charger (optional)


living room furniture

When designing this collection, we wanted to create timeless furniture with the highest comfort possible. The simple form will easily withstand the passing time and changing fashion. We have provided pleasantly soft seats - their depth can be adjusted by the arrangement of backrest and lumbar cushions.

Bizzarto furniture - fabrics from worlds best's suppliers
Bizzarto furniture - all components attested
Bizzarto furniture - handmade
Bizzarto - all furnitures designed for bizzarto
fabrics from
worlds best's suppliers
all components
designed for

Cushions are filled with material that adapts to your body shape. What’s more, this collection has a sleeping function and a large container for bedding in a chaise longue.

And note - this is a modular collection, so the shape of the furniture is entirely up to you.


tables and shelves