

The Loop armchair from Bizzarto, designed by Krystian Kowalski, is the quintessence of modern design at its best. It attracts attention with its subtle, organic line, which combines minimalist aesthetics with comfort of use. It is a piece of furniture that fully realises the philosophy of harmony between functionality and art.

Designed for Bizzarto


Best components

Made in Poland

Kolekcja foteli Loop - Bizzarto projektu Krystiana Kowalskiego
Kolekcja foteli Loop - Bizzarto projektu Krystiana Kowalskiego
Fotel Loop


Krystian Kowalski

He was born in Warsaw into a family of artists. He treats each project as an opportunity to express his idea, which analyses the language of objects through formal and material explorations. Krystian is fascinated by technology and pays great attention to the details of execution. His approach to design is based on shaping aesthetics with sculptural methods that allow him to offer creative yet commercially effective solutions. In many cases, the products have become bestsellers and have won numerous awards. Krystian was awarded the title of Designer of the Year by the Institute of Industrial Design. His designs can be found in the design collections of the National Museum in Warsaw and Krakow.

Krystian Kowalski